Most Haunted – Live!

You know me forever in search of new sonic weirdnesses to bring you.  This is very novel – Emptyset, a Bristol based techno outfit arranged with the Woodchester Mansion Trust to take over the abandoned (and supposedly haunted) Gothic pile in Gloucestershire for a few days to record an ambient soundscape.  Put simply they rigged the place with loads of vintage mics and preamps and blasted the empty spaces of the building with bass and white noise pulses, so recording the electronics sounds together with their reflected reverbs.  The result is spooky, propulsive, molar shaking and occasionally tedious.  For us sound nerds its a fascinating experiment if a bit limited.  I would have liked to heard fully formed songs maybe about the history of the house recorded in the rooms where it happened, though I accept that might have torn the veil between two worlds and possibly led to an insurance loss on all the expensive equipment.  And I still have one question.  What did the ghosts make of it?

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